Supporting young people into work with The King's Trust
Boots UK and The King’s Trust are committed to transforming the lives of young people. Our strategic partnership launched in February 2019 with the intention of empowering the next generation at its core. Together we provide meaningful opportunities for young people to support them to develop the skills, confidence, and self-esteem to live happy and healthy lives, regardless of background. Through our programmes we support young people from our communities to get into work. These may be young people who need more support to find work, or young people for whom the traditional recruitment process hasn’t worked.
One such programme is Get Into, whereby we welcome young people into the Stores Service Centre (SSC), Burton warehouse and stores across the UK to participate in a two-week work experience opportunity. As well as encouraging them to learn about the sector and how the business operates, participants are guided through many aspects of the working environment, including how to apply for roles and how to develop essential skills while considering their next steps. As a result of the programmes young people may be offered interviews and ongoing employment opportunities.
Boots fundraises for The King's Trust by donating any profits from the sale of paper bags. In recent years, our team members have also taken part in an annual challenge organised by The King's Trust called ’Million Makers'. Since 2019, our Million Makers teams have raised over £100,000, contributing towards over £3m donated to the King’s Trust over the same period from Boots customers and team member fundraising.
Meet Basil, Warehousing Operator:
Basil took part in the Boots Step into Warehousing programme developed with The King's Trust. After successfully completing a two week work placement he was offered a role as a Warehouse Operative.
"Having a long term job has given me consistency, a routine and helped me to develop my skills. I have learnt to work in a team and feel more confident communicating with people" - Basil

Meet Annabelle, No7 Advisor:
Annabelle was one of the first young people to take part in a Boots and King's Trust programme, and, after successfully completing a two-week work placement, was offered a role as a No7 Advisor in a Boots flagship store. On being offered a permanent role, Annabelle said:
"It felt amazing, and I was so proud because they told me I was really confident, which I thought I wasn’t, and this really gave me a boost. This will always be a special experience in my life… it was a great opportunity for youngsters like me. I learned and gained a lot." - Annabelle