Boots Charitable Trust

Supporting local communities across the UK

Boots Charitable Trust is an independent registered charity wholly funded by Boots UK Limited. We want to be there to care for people, customers and communities everywhere and that’s why in 2023, we expanded the Trust’s reach to support projects across the UK, as well as in our home county of Nottinghamshire.

Supporting local communities

The Trust funds charities and voluntary organisations working in the areas of health, lifelong learning, community development and social care, and encourages applications from organisations where our grants of up to £10,000 can make the biggest impact.


Update on the Boots Charitable Trust application process – November 2024

In 2023 the Boots Charitable Trust expanded to offer support to charities beyond the Nottinghamshire area, covering the whole of the UK.

Due to the unprecedented interest in the Trust and a significant volume of applications, we have taken the difficult decision to close to applications from UK-wide projects while we review the Trust's funding strategy for FY25. Our November 2024 application window will only open to new applications from projects supporting the community of Nottinghamshire.

We'd ask that you review our giving policy prior to making an application. Please note, we have made a change to this recently. If you are an organisation with significant income level, specifically over £1m, your application will not be considered as the Trustees look to prioritise funding for organisations with fewer resources.

Applying for help

Applications for funding are made using our new Boots Charitable Trust application portal.

Please ensure you review our charitable giving policy before beginning an application.

To access an application you’ve already made, click here.

While we look at nominations from all different charities, our main focus is on the following areas that are very close to our hearts and heritage:

  • Health: Community healthcare, such as homecare or support for sufferers of medical conditions, and health education and prevention
  • Lifelong learning: Local literacy and numeracy projects
  • Community development: For example, supporting councils in providing voluntary services
  • Social care: Personal, social or community activities or schemes.

Additionally, a particular focus within each of these priorities is how the projects demonstrate a commitment to improving diversity, equality and inclusion within the community.

Non-funded projects

Here is some guidance on those projects we do not supply funding for:

  • Individuals
  • Organisations that are not registered charities and which have income or expenditure of more than £5,000 per year
  • Organisation with reserves and or income over £1m
  • Charities seeking funds to redistribute to other charities
  • Projects for which there is a legal statutory obligation
  • Capital projects, large building or construction
  • Projects with ongoing maintenance costs that would be dependent on Boots Charitable Trust funding for delivery to continue.

Deadlines for processing applications

Nominations are reviewed quarterly by a board of Trustees. Timescales for applications are outlined below:

  • Q1 - Application window is open between 1-31 August 2024. The trustee board meeting will take place in October 2024.
  • Q2 - Application window is open between 1-30 November 2024. The trustee board meeting will take place in January 2025.
  • Q3 - Application window is open between 1-28 February 2025. The trustee board meeting will take place in April 2025.
  • Q4 - Application window is open between 1-31 May 2025. The trustee board meeting will take place in July 2025.


The Boots Charitable Trust is currently not accepting any further applications for UK wide projects during their Q3 application round. Please see update above. For any projects supporting the community of Nottinghamshire, please see below for information on how to apply.

Who are our Trustees?

  • Preyash Thakrar - Strategy & Transformation Director 
  • Lavinia Moxley – Head of Global Beauty Academy
  • Beneeta Shah – Head of Pharmacy Stores
  • Jennifer Moffat – Financial Controller
  • Michael Benford – Director of Finance - Operations.