David Ralph, Chief Executive of D2N2 LEP, said the annual conference would provide a perfect opportunity for SMEs to engage with the Local Enterprise Partnership and find out how they can work with D2N2 to drive their businesses forward.
Mr Ralph said: “The growth of small and medium size enterprises is at the very heart of our Strategic Economic Plan – and helping the D2N2 area to be the UK’s most inspirational postcode.
“Whether it is business support and guidance; closer working with universities, access to finance or simply increased networking, the LEP is committed to supporting SMEs to grow and prosper, so creating new and exciting jobs.
“That’s why I would like to see as many representatives from SMEs in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire as possible at our annual conference at MediCity, a business incubator on the Nottingham Enterprise Zone which has a very important role to play in growing entrepreneurial companies in one of our key sectors.”
MediCity is based in the Nottingham Enterprise Zone on the Boots site in Beeston, and is a collaboration between Boots and BioCity, the UK's leading life sciences incubation business. The hub has attracted 20 companies since February this year and already hosts events and conferences for the UK med tech and healthcare sectors. Start-up and established companies are benefitting from BioCity's proven track record in developing the right ecosystem for companies in the sector to thrive, and from the innovation and product development knowledge of teams at Boots.
David Browning, director of MediCity says: “Our ambition is to attract and grow entrepreneurial companies so working with significant partners such as the LEP makes this much more achievable.
“We are currently supporting businesses in a number of health-related areas including clinical diagnostics, human performance, body-care, apps for remote health monitoring, water purification and human regenerative medicine. Our collaboration with Boots is a good example of strategic business development with great international potential.”
The free event runs from 7.30am to 10am and to book a place, go to www.d2n2lep.org/BB