Over 150 young people visited the Boots Support Office in Nottingham last week at its biggest yet #boots360 careers event.

Supporting early careers and nurturing young talent is incredibly important, and every year, Boots recruits over 100 people aged 16 - 24 through its apprenticeship programmes for healthcare, science and business.
The informal networking #boots360 careers event, which is currently in its fifth year, inspires young people into the world of work and as they kick start their careers, showcasing the range of exciting opportunities at Boots in Nottingham and across the UK, including the Boots apprenticeship programmes, pharmacy training, its award-winning support office work experience programme and entry level roles in the Boots Support Office and stores.
The #boots360 careers event is open to students of all ages as well as career advisors, teachers, and parents. It shows what it’s like to work for Boots, while giving young people the chance to network with professionals and take part in a mock assessment centre which included building interview skills through a group activity and a presentation skills session.
Olivia Barnard, who is currently on the Boots Higher Level Apprenticeship Programme, and as part of her placement in the HR team organised the #boots360 Careers Event, comments “Organising the #boots360 Careers Event has been a brilliant learning curve for me as it is the first project I have managed. It has been great to witness the enthusiasm and passion our colleagues have for their function and how eager they have been to showcase what they do to the attendees. It is the first year we have run a full mock assessment centre, which allowed all the students who took part to get a real understanding of what an assessment centre includes. We provided them with feedback, as well as hints and tips, so that they are fully prepared for when they attend any real assessment centres in the future. This has been a really great experience for me, and I hope that everyone who attended enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed organising it.”
This year, Boots also launched a new Chartered Managers Degree Apprenticeship Programme, which has offered 12 of its higher apprenticeship graduates a chance to study for a degree with Nottingham Trent University in Business Management, while also gaining a qualification as a professionally accredited Chartered Manager.
Notes to Editors
For more information, please contact Bethan Simmons at the Boots UK press office on 0115 959 1188 or Bethan.Simmons@boots.co.uk
About Boots UK
Boots UK (boots.com), the UK’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer, is part of the Retail Pharmacy International Division of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (Nasdaq: WBA), the first global pharmacy-led, health and wellbeing enterprise. With 2,509* stores in the UK, Boots UK is committed to providing exceptional customer and patient care, be the first choice for pharmacy and healthcare and offer innovative 'only at Boots' exclusive products such as the UK’s leading skincare brand No7, all delivered with the great value customers love. Created over 165 years ago, the Boots brand is still at the heart of the communities it serves.
*As of 31 August 2016 excluding equity method investments