With a little know how and some flight travel essentials Boots can help you enjoy a healthy take off this summer. Once on board help protect the family with Boots Pharmaceuticals Cold & Flu Defence Nasal Spray (£6.99), which is suitable for adults and children over one year old. The aircraft cabin can be an ideal environment for germs to spread, and no body wants to start their holiday with a cold. If you find the cabin air conditioning makes your eyes dry, consider Boots Pharmaceuticals Dry Eyes Eye Mist (£12.49) which can soothe and relieve dry eyes.
Angela Chalmers, Boots UK Pharmacist, comments: “The low humidity of aircraft cabins can cause eyes to feel dry - if you usually wear contact lenses switch to glasses when flying to prevent irritation. Minimise discomfort in your ears too when adjusting to different air pressures by yawning, swallowing, sucking a boiled sweet or chewing gum, especially during take off and landing.”

Nothing beats washing with soap and warm water, but if this is not possible when travelling, anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel are a great alternative. Germs barely get a look in with Boots Antibacterial Handgel (£1.49) which has a fast drying moisturising formula that kills 99.9% of bacteria and leaves hands feeling soft and smooth.
Angela Chalmers, Boots UK Pharmacist, gives her top tips for keeping healthy and feeling fresh when on a plane: “When you board your flight you may want to wipe the seat buckles, arm rest and table to avoid picking up surface bacteria and viruses. To make sure you feel fresh as you step off the plane after a long and stuffy journey, cleanse your face with a wipe and brush your teeth. Drinking plenty of water during your flight will also help keep you hydrated.”

Boots UK pharmacists are on hand in all our pharmacies to help make sure your trip to the sun is a safe and healthy one. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and fluid build up can occur when you spend a long period of time inactive when flying. Boots Pharmaceuticals Flight Socks (£13.49) provide a clinically proven level of compression which helps to increase blood flow and reduces the risk of flight-related DVT.

A long journey can be a great opportunity to grab forty winks to help you feel relaxed and ready for your holiday to start, as soon as you land. Boots Pharmaceuticals Flight Earplugs (£4.69) can relieve flight ear discomfort and reduce noise to help you sleep.
Angela Chalmers, Boots UK Pharmacist comments: “On long trips to exotic places it is important to rest during the journey. The quality of sleep is more important than the length of your snooze – just twenty minutes can be enough. An eye mask and neck pillow can help you have power snoozes during your flight and ear plugs are great if you are sensitive to sound.”
For further information, samples, images or additional quotes from our spokespeople please contact the Boots summer press office: 020 7025 6657/bootssummerteam@redconsultancy.com
About Boots UK
Boots UK is the leading pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer in the UK, with close to 2,500* Boots UK stores and over 60,000* employees. Boots UK’s purpose is to help customers look and feel better than they ever thought possible. Customers are at the heart of our business which is committed to providing exceptional customer and patient care, be the first choice for pharmacy and healthcare, offer innovative products 'only at Boots' such as the UK’s leading skincare brand No7, all delivered with the great value our customers love. Created over 160 years ago, the Boots brand is still at the heart of the communities it serves.
Boots UK is a member of Alliance Boots, a leading international, pharmacy-led health and beauty group delivering a range of products and services to customers. Working in close partnership with manufacturers and pharmacists, Alliance Boots is committed to improving health in the local communities it serves and helping its customers and patients to look and feel their best. Its focus is on growing its two core business activities of: pharmacy-led health and beauty retailing and pharmaceutical wholesaling and distribution. Alliance Boots has a presence in more than 25* countries and employs over 108,000* people. Alliance Boots has pharmacy-led health and beauty retail businesses in nine* countries and operates more than 3,150* health and beauty retail stores, of which just under 3,050* have a pharmacy.
*Figures are approximate as at 31 March 2014 and include associates and joint ventures.